Wednesday, September 29, 2004

.welcome to the frontier of capitalist investment strategy

[that fateful day in the high command]

madamm: ahhhh so much free moneyyy! waaaah so many buttons! pink, red and bluee! I press can???
underlings in unison: yes madamm!!!
madamm: ahhhhh what do these do?! -bang depress tweek depress prod depress-
underlings in unison: -shudder- errr yes madamm!!
madamm: ahhhh so fun! these send people out to shop for me! ooooh lets play supermarket sweep!!!
underlings in unison: -doubleshudder- errr yes madamm!
madamm: i want this, and this and this and this...i want rubber duckies...
single quiverring underling: maddaaam! very sorry sorry madaam! duckies all sold out...-poof-
madamm: how dare there be no rubber duckies!
underlings less one, improvising and in unison: madaam how about we buy some nice big ships instead?

that, folks, is how it all began...


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