Friday, January 10, 2003

.first post it's a friday. i like fridays. but only because it beckons the arrival of saturday and sunday. then again it's only 2 days to monday again. perspectives. too much talk of war these days. the playground bully's rhetoric or a genuine campaign of responsibility to avert impending catastrophy? Possible explanations abound but only one increasingly probable outcome - that of war. with every additional troop mobilised the grim world ebbs towards further strife and confrontation. great. legitimised war. nevermind the many innocent lives that will be lost. grab a beer. celebrate. a triumph of multi-lateral consultative politiks. the un inspectors have found scarce evidence of non-compliance, but we know he's got them hidden in schools and hospitals. for the good of humanity we march into battle. oh yes that leaves the small question of what happens in iraq after that. and after iraq? 'tis a slippery slope indeed.

.aside the non-existance in reality of ideals. had a fleeting conversation with my cousin yesterday on diametrical probability. okay stupid big phrase that i invented in vanity. basically it's got to do with opposite effects stemming from a course of action. let's say i bought a cabbage. yup one cabbage. so i contend that whatever good that can be derived from the cabbage, +a +b +c +d +e, is always, with no exceptions in all cases, balanced by opposing negative elements that are, hypothetically, equal in collective magnitude, but of different natures, -w -x -y -z. distilled of circumstance, all actions are mechanical and possess the equal potential of good and bad, an innate balance. what differs though, is the probability, in given cirumstances, of each effect occuring. add the weighted probability of the good and compare to the bad, that's your new decision matrix. the hinge is on probability rather than an triumph of absolute goodness over badness. yes. boredom by my desk drives me so such extents.


a fleeting shadow on weary plaster,

worn, abused, misused.

shards. the pane falls, slowly.

deliberately. it hurts,

knowledge of the soon to be. anticipation.

sudden stillness, a field of wheat embellished in frame.

shades of grey. the shattering.

rewind damnit, rewind.


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